My suggestions on putting up a five layer human tower.
To put up the five layer tower, we need to solve the third layer first. The third layer is the most critical of all the layers. It need to climb up to the second layer shoulder, sit on it and stand up with the top two layer on top of their shoulder, that is four persons(top man & 3 second layer persons). With no assistance from the safety officer.
To train these three top layers first will solve most of the problems, first choose the lightest persons to put on the upper layers. They use to put only five persons on the third layer, which is not enough. The third layer got difficulty to stand up with five persons, with the equivalent of nearly a person on their shoulders and stand-up. I suggest increase to 6 persons.
These 6 persons or the third layer, should be given the most attentions. They should be the persons to train first in order to build their endurance and stamina. Ask them to go back home do so extra sit- up with weight training or put weight on their shoulder to train. These will solve the problem.
I used to find that they spend to much time training the bottom two layers, which doesn't matter so much. If overexert they usually at the later part of the training doesn't have much energy. So it defeat the purpose.
Because the safety officers can compensate their weakness and support them. To sit and stand up with a person on top of your shoulder, train a few times exert a tremendous amount of energy it can be very tiring.
Few of them are not regular. So sometimes they come, sometime they don't, make the training of the bottom 2 layers difficult. This could neutralise the effect of training.
To assist the 2nd bottom layer, two safety officers to support one bottom second layer person.
One person left and another right. One hand support the second layer person left buttock and another right kneel cap.
Then help to push his buttock up for him when he going to stand up, one hand to hold his knee cap, so to not to let it bend and another to hold heel, after he stand up to reduce the pressure on the shoulder of the bottom layer. If possible the safety officer body to stay as close as possible to the person he is supporting, so he can utilise his strength most and don't allow the second bottom layer sway too much which will affect the upper layers.
Usually the swaying/unbalance of the the persons in the sitting positions moving to the standing positions cause the fall of the towers due to the imbalance of some of them standing up, some slower some faster and the upper layer tilt to much to one direction( due to fatigue or not enough strength).
The safety officers play key role, he got to ensure all of the same layer move up at the same time. His one hand got hold the buttocks of the second bottom layer, so to absorb the pressure of the 3 upper layer on the legs of the second bottom layer, the equivalent of 10 person weight on the shoulders of the second bottom layer.
I saw some of the second bottom layer legs shake when they stand up, the safely officer got to help them to straighten and lock in their legs with another hand. The third layer must not worried about their lower part, so that they can concentrate on their upper part. The key role of the safety officer is to stabilise the second bottom layer. See some of my extraordinary feats at click: (Football juggling feat, Cycling feat
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